Service Level Agreement

Date of Last Revision: May 29th 2023

This document constitutes the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Course Kit Pty Ltd and the Client. The purpose of this agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which Course Kit Pty Ltd will provide support services to the Client. Please read this agreement carefully.

1. Response Time

Once a support request is initiated with Course Kit Pty Ltd, we will make every effort to respond within 48 business hours. We prioritize prompt resolution of your inquiries and appreciate your understanding and patience as we strive to address your concerns. However, please note that Course Kit Pty Ltd shall not be held liable for any delays caused by the Client or events beyond our control.

2. Business Hours

Course Kit Pty Ltd's business hours are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (GMT+11), excluding major Australian holidays.

3. Support Channels

Support requests should be directed via email to spry.dust1234 [at]

4. Scope of Support

Course Kit Pty Ltd will provide support for the following:

5. Exclusions from Support

The following are not covered under the support provided by Course Kit Pty Ltd:

By initiating a support request with Course Kit Pty Ltd, the Client acknowledges and agrees to the terms outlined in this Service Level Agreement. This agreement is subject to change at the discretion of Course Kit Pty Ltd. Any modifications to this agreement shall be communicated to the Client in a timely manner.

Please note that this agreement does not supersede or replace any other existing agreements or contracts between Course Kit Pty Ltd and the Client.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Service Level Agreement, please contact us at the provided support email address.